Tag Archives: Character merchandising

David vs Goliath: Trade mark battle with ZARA
Sharon Givoni Consulting Intellectual Property, Trade marks
ZARA vs ZARY On the 19th of April 2018, Sharon Givoni was interviewed for A Current Affair over a trade mark battle with ZARA. As you would all know, ZARA is possibly one of the largest fashion distributors in the world, selling clothing, accessories and the like. ZARA also owns several trade marks for the […]
Alice in Merchandise-land – the value of character and celebrity merchandising
Sharon Givoni Consulting Consumer Law, Entertainment Law, Food Law, Intellectual Property, Packaging, Protecting ideas
The value of celebrity endorsements on food advertising, packaging and labelling is indisputable, whether it be Jamie Oliver with his range of products, George Clooney for Nespresso or Serena Williams for Gatorade (and Nike… and Berlie… and…) Take-Away Tips for your business The use of images of fictional beings on products, such as cartoon characters, […]
Sharon Givoni Consulting Retail and fashion Law
Models, whether professionals or just ordinary people are used all the time in the fashion world. But do they actually own their image? And, if not, what sort of consents do you need under Australian law in order to use their image for the purposes you need to in your business? In this article Sharon […]
Celebrity Endorsement – Navigating the Minefield
Sharon Givoni Consulting Retail and fashion Law
Using images, names or likenesses of the rich and famous for promotional purposes whether in fashion or otherwise, can undoubtedly create a powerful endorsement of your brand… as long as you’re aware of the risks and traps to avoid. This article looks at this issue taking into account the Rihanna t-shirt case that went to […]