Tag Archives: packaging law

Jun / 26
Organic Claims – Legal Requirements for Labelling and Packaging
Sharon Givoni Consulting Food Law, Intellectual Property, Packaging
As ‘Organic’ products attract a premium price it is not surprising that many businesses want to use the term on their labelling and packaging. However, when it comes to organic claims, consumers should be able to assume that the organic claim is true and that the ingredients are indeed organic. When you design a label, […]
Superfood or superfool – the legal lowdown on using this name
Sharon Givoni Consulting Consumer Law, Food Law, Packaging
Blueberries, goji berries, chia seeds, acai berries and of course, kale! These are the superfoods which are going to make you healthier, happier, smarter and just all round better, or so they say. However, before you start spruiking your new superfood from the pristine Amazon rainforest, stop to make sure you do not make yourself […]