Viewing post categorized under: Copyright
Legal insights for graphic designers and surface designers
Sharon Givoni Consulting Copyright, Intellectual Property
Navigating Copyright for Creatives In the intricate tapestry of artistry, legal considerations might seem like a distant concern. However, the world of creativity is interwoven with legal nuances that safeguard your IP. Welcome to a journey where we unravel the essentials of copyright for creatives. This will be a deep dive into Copyright for Creatives. […]
From Zombies to Wizards: Copyright Law and Originality in Writing
Sharon Givoni Consulting Copyright, Intellectual Property
For writers, copyright law can play a significant role in protecting their original works and ensuring they receive appropriate recognition and compensation for their efforts. Under Australian copyright law, copyright protects the original expression of ideas, rather than the ideas themselves. This means that while ideas themselves are not protectable, the particular way in which […]
Intellectual Property in Schools: Who Owns it – Employers or teachers?
Sharon Givoni Consulting Copyright, Intellectual Property
When it comes to intellectual property (IP) in schools, it’s not just lesson plans and teaching materials that come into play. Teachers may also create IP in their own time that is not directly related to their teaching duties, such as writing educational books, creating learning apps or tutoring websites. Clients often ask us: who […]

Creativity, Originality and Copyright Law
Sharon Givoni Consulting Copyright, Intellectual Property
There is a lot of information involved when it comes to creativity, originality and copyright law. Clients often ask us what it would take to assert copyright in their drawings, artistic works or logos. The answer is simple. The first step is you need the work to be original in the sense that the copyright […]

Fun and Games! The Huge Success of Danger Dolan
Sharon Givoni Consulting Copyright, Intellectual Property, Trade marks
The Rise of Danger Dolan Many years ago, one of our clients, Daniel James Johnson, created the concept of Danger Dolan. From then Planet Dolan was formed which turned into an assortment of YouTube channels that focus on either “Top X” list styled videos (Planet Dolan), “Question and Answer” videos and music videos (Super Planet […]

Copyright your Craft: An event held by Craft Victoria
Sharon Givoni Consulting Copyright, Intellectual Property
On Thursday, 17 May 2018, as part of Law Week, Craft Victoria held a panel discussion to bring craft makers and legal professionals together to discuss copyright and intellectual property. The theme was copyright your craft. Our law firm attended the discussion. The purpose of this update is to share some of the useful […]

Replica furniture – is it legal?
Sharon Givoni Consulting Copyright, Intellectual Property, Protecting ideas, Trade marks
Unsurprisingly, the growth of replica furniture industry has grown over the years. An example of this is the replicas of the Tolix chair, which was designed by Xavier Pauchard, in 1934 in France. In light of this clients often ask us: is it legal to copy a furniture design? We have covered the issue of copycat products here. […]

Furniture Suppliers Beware! Protecting your designs in Contracts
Sharon Givoni Consulting Arts and design, Copyright, Intellectual Property, Protecting ideas
Beware of hidden traps in trading terms and conditions There is a major industry issue faced by many furniture suppliers. Some larger furniture retailers have snuck some clauses into their trading terms which are disadvantageous to suppliers, particularly when it comes to protecting your designs from being copied. One of these clauses purports to give […]
Register or lose it! Protecting your furniture designs in Australia
Sharon Givoni Consulting Arts and design, Copyright, Intellectual Property
Have you ever wondered how some retailers can sell replica furniture and not get into trouble? Have you ever wondered if there is anything you can do in Australia to prevent your designs from being copied? Fear not, if you are a furniture maker in Australia then rest assured there are things that you can (and should!) […]

Stranger things have happened – Netflix writes funny cease and desist letter
Sharon Givoni Consulting Consumer Law, Copyright, Entertainment Law, Film, Intellectual Property
When Sheriff Hopper knocks – Netflix cease and desist letter gets media attention The words “cease and desist” letters often get used in intellectual property matters. We think of bigwigs in Hollywood going after fans and creators of fan fiction, sending cease and desist letters threatening legal action if people are using content without appropriate […]