Tag Archives: Art
Diamonds May Be a Girl’s Best Friend, But Is the Law? – Protecting Your Jewellery Designs
Sharon Givoni Consulting Arts and design
Jewellery designs are a labour of love and beauty which form the foundation of any business – and to see that your designs ripped off can make a heart sink like a 24-karat rock. In our experience, jewellers tend to make the mistake of a reactive rather than proactive approaches to protecting their designs. We […]

Creativity, Originality and Copyright Law
Sharon Givoni Consulting Copyright, Intellectual Property
There is a lot of information involved when it comes to creativity, originality and copyright law. Clients often ask us what it would take to assert copyright in their drawings, artistic works or logos. The answer is simple. The first step is you need the work to be original in the sense that the copyright […]
Legally Speaking: Street Art (Part 1)
Sharon Givoni Consulting Street art
Street art has gained credibility as a legitimate way for artists to communicate their works to the public outside of the confines of the mainstream art world. However, as it has increased in popularity, so has copying. Sometimes businesses forget (or do not realise) that street art – just like any other art – is […]