Legal insights for graphic designers and surface designers
Sharon Givoni Consulting Copyright, Intellectual Property
Navigating Copyright for Creatives In the intricate tapestry of artistry, legal considerations might seem like a distant concern. However, the world of creativity is interwoven with legal nuances that safeguard your IP. Welcome to a journey where we unravel the essentials of copyright for creatives. This will be a deep dive into Copyright for Creatives. […]
From Zombies to Wizards: Copyright Law and Originality in Writing
Sharon Givoni Consulting Copyright, Intellectual Property
For writers, copyright law can play a significant role in protecting their original works and ensuring they receive appropriate recognition and compensation for their efforts. Under Australian copyright law, copyright protects the original expression of ideas, rather than the ideas themselves. This means that while ideas themselves are not protectable, the particular way in which […]
Intellectual Property in Schools: Who Owns it – Employers or teachers?
Sharon Givoni Consulting Copyright, Intellectual Property
When it comes to intellectual property (IP) in schools, it’s not just lesson plans and teaching materials that come into play. Teachers may also create IP in their own time that is not directly related to their teaching duties, such as writing educational books, creating learning apps or tutoring websites. Clients often ask us: who […]
The law around refunds in Australia: Some tips for online businesses
Sharon Givoni Consulting Consumer Law, Internet Law
Refunds are an important aspect of consumer protection in Australia, and it is crucial for businesses to be aware of their legal obligations when it comes to offering refunds to customers. This blog explores some of the legal considerations that apply when giving a refund in Australia, including the impact of Australian Consumer Law, the […]
Copyright or wrong? Important issues that writers need to consider.
Sharon Givoni Consulting Internet Law
For writers, copyright law can play a significant role in protecting their original works and ensuring they receive appropriate recognition and compensation for their efforts. Under Australian copyright law, copyright protects the original expression of ideas, rather than the ideas themselves. This means that while ideas themselves cannot be copyrighted, the particular way in which […]
Trade Promotions & Lotteries – the Laws
Sharon Givoni Consulting Commercial and Contracts, Consumer Law
At Sharon Givoni Consulting we believe in proactive law which is based on the philosophy that legal knowledge is at its best when applied before things go wrong. In Australia, trade promotions and lotteries are regulated by the Australian Consumer Law (ACL) and the State and Territory legislation. “You could buy 100 lottery tickets and […]
Diamonds May Be a Girl’s Best Friend, But Is the Law? – Protecting Your Jewellery Designs
Sharon Givoni Consulting Arts and design
Jewellery designs are a labour of love and beauty which form the foundation of any business – and to see that your designs ripped off can make a heart sink like a 24-karat rock. In our experience, jewellers tend to make the mistake of a reactive rather than proactive approaches to protecting their designs. We […]

Nestlé v Yarra Valley Chocolaterie – In A Spot Of Trouble
Sharon Givoni Consulting Intellectual Property
Hey there Freckle Face, you better stop using my trade mark! Victorian family business, the Yarra Valley Chocolaterie, has found itself in a ‘David v Goliath’ battle against world-renown chocolate and confectionary brand Nestlé for use of the term FRECKLES in several of its yummy chocolate treats. Nestlé has registered the word FRECKLES under trade […]

Can Emails Make A Binding Contract?
Sharon Givoni Consulting Intellectual Property
Can emails make a binding contract? A lot of our clients regret sending an email offering something to another person thus potentially making a contract. In other words, can a set of emails make a binding contract per Australian law? Well the simple answer is, yes. The recipe for a binding contract requires at minimum […]

Do You Own Your Life?
Sharon Givoni Consulting Intellectual Property
This might be an intriguing title for an article because at first glance, of course you own your life – otherwise, who else would? But this is more a question of do you own the story of your life? Taking that a step further, how would you feel if someone else came along, say, an […]