Copyright and the Internet – busting some myths
Sharon Givoni Consulting Internet Law
In Cyberspace, once your illustrations are posted online you lose a certain degree of control. As a lawyer, I often see the same issues arise. For example, people ask about the ten per cent rule and also whether if they post a copy of their drawing it themselves they are protected. Misconceptions about the use of […]
Unpicking the Threads
Sharon Givoni Consulting Retail and fashion Law
Textile companies or designers may be surprised to learn that, if you apply a three-dimensional element to your fabric, such as an embroidered or woven element, you could lose the benefit of copyright protection altogether. This article canvasses copyright and designs in the context of textiles. Read more… Kindly reposted with the permission of ATF […]
Print & Pattern Protection
Sharon Givoni Consulting Retail and fashion Law
In the fashion industry and while the basic rule to remember is simply “do not copy”, what will amount to copying in any given situation can vary on the case.” This article explores the topic in light of some recent cases on point looking at Seafolly and Cotton On case studies by way of example. […]
Textile Designers, Copyright & the Internet: Unravelling some common myths
Sharon Givoni Consulting Intellectual Property, Retail and fashion Law
For textile designers and businesses that sell fabrics, the internet can open many doors. The downside however is that this can expose you to an increased risk of being copied. This article provides tips about copyright on the internet and dispels a few common myths in the process. Read more…
Taking Photographs In Public – Zooming In On The Legals
Sharon Givoni Consulting Photography
When you can take photographs in public? What are the copyright issues? Actually the answer is not as straightforward as you may think as Sharon Givoni, Melbourne Based, Intellectual property and copyright lawyer explains. Read on to get a low down on the issues. Read more…
Protecting stripes as trade marks? Adidas did…
Sharon Givoni Consulting Retail and fashion Law
Creating a signature style for your clothing or footwear ranges can set you aside from the competition and even something as a few stripes on a shoe, if consistently used, can over time become a recognisable brand. If a competitor copies a distinctive visual element of your brand, your trade mark registration (if you have […]
Understanding copyright risks for printers
Sharon Givoni Consulting Arts and design, Copyright, Intellectual Property
In this article, Sharon Givoni is interviewed by “Australian Printer” magazine about the risks of being liable for copyright infringement by simply photocopying or printing someone else’s artwork. Copyright risks can be minimised by taking some very simple steps. Read on to find out what these steps are. Read more… This article first appeared in […]
Sharon Givoni Consulting Retail and fashion Law
Models, whether professionals or just ordinary people are used all the time in the fashion world. But do they actually own their image? And, if not, what sort of consents do you need under Australian law in order to use their image for the purposes you need to in your business? In this article Sharon […]
Moral Rights and Copyright
Sharon Givoni Consulting Arts and design
Did you know that not attributing an author or artist can be a beach of their moral right? As can cutting up their photograph or painting? This article discusses Australia’s moral rights laws in the context of photography. Read more…